IntegBusiness Services, Inc.

IntegBusiness Services

Records Management

No worries. Just peace of mind. When information technology and business compliance collide, companies often find themselves in a quandary: filing (stuffing) documents in empty paper boxes with documents and file folders with no way to know where to begin looking for vital information once the documents have been "filed" This results in costly, frustrating, time consuming searches for vital information

Who are you going to call? The staff at IntegBusiness Services can help! We are in the business of removing the frustration that comes with having to search for files in boxes stacked one on top of the other, usually left in the hallway or in front of filing cabinets or worse, on top of your desk.

Partnering with IntegBusiness Services will enable your staff to continue to work within their core competencies in your department; doing what they were hired to do and still assure them access to the information they require as the need arises when they need it. Need a file? Go online and look it up by MRN, Last Name, DOB, Acct No., or just email or fax the request to us. It's that easy...

Health Information Management Services

IntegBusiness Services provides full-service staffing solutions designed to meet every need of Health Information Management (HIM) departments. IntegBusiness Services makes available certified professionals who are carefully selected to enable you to meet the highest level of professionalism and technical standards in our industry.


ICD-9-CM transition to ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS

DRG Validation reviews

RAC audit appeals

Long Term Care and Community Based Programs HIM Consultant (State Required)

Process Improvement Facilitation

Project Managment

Certificate of Need Application

Document retention assessment

HIM Technical Services

ICD-9-CM coding support; acute, long term care, home health, physician office

ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS coding support

CPT coding support

Interim Management Services

Health Information Management Department 

Nursing Home Administrator

Critical Access Hospital

Document Scanning Services

Creating lasting and accessible repositories of information that don't fall victim to the shortfalls of electronic storage.

IntegBusiness Services is Hawaii's premier document scanning, imaging and indexing services company. We provide Best Practice Outsourcing Services for Document Scanning, enabling your organization to successfully unlock the true value of the information contained in its files, resulting in increased productivity, performance and profits.

We are recognized experts in providing document scanning services to support large scale, Mission Critical conversion services for projects that require quick turnarounds and high quality deliverables.

Utilizing our advanced technologies and processes, we can provide your organization with the highest image quality and coded data available in the industry today, enabling quick search and accurate retrieval of each secure file. We achieve this by tailoring our services to meet the unique requirements of each project.

Our onsite document scanning services are suitable for back-file or day-forward conversions, whether they involve the scanning of office documents, engineering drawings, microfilm, microfiche or aperture cards.

Additionally, IntegBusiness Services provides an end-to-end solution for your document scanning needs. For your day forward scanning requirements, our staff is able to establish front end mailroom services to process and prep all incoming mail for scanning. To complete the imaging services, IntegBusiness Services also complements our solutions with data capture and document archival services.

Whether you need to streamline your document workflow to create operational efficiencies and cost-savings or meet new industry standards, IntegBusiness Services recognizes the immense value outsourcing can offer companies looking to gain control of their information and documents.

Business continuation in the event of a disaster Allow multiple users immediate access to document images, saving time Access to best in class processes and technology with no capital investment

Imaging Services

High-resolution, high-detail document imaging services. Yes we can do that! Expect More from a Document Conversion Center. Micrographics Services IntegBusiness Services the provider of KODAK INFOGUARD Micrographics Services can scan and create ditgital images from microfilm, microfilm documents, large format drawings and computer output, process microfilm, duplicate onto silver and diazo films, and preserve archived documents.

Microfilm Data Conversion Services

Data Conversion is the process by which physical or manual records such as text, images, video, and audio are converted into digital forms.

• Data Conversion     • Microfilm and Microfiche Conversion

Litigation Support

Our litigation support professionals assist attorneys and or their staff in managing large-scale litigation, designing and implementing databases for managing, sorting, indexing and abstracting large volumes of data produced in litigation. Our litigation Support Professionals also develop data management strategies, assist with technology in the office.

Release of Information Outsourcing

The most frequently encountered problem with in-house release of information (ROI) services is backlog. IntegBusiness Services is qualified to assume part or all of your facility's correspondence function. With credentialed professionals leading our staff, we operate out of your offices or ours. In the process, we'll keep you informed of the latest state and federal laws.

A Logical Extension

When you select IntegBusiness Services as your health information management resource, it can prove a cost-saving, stress-reducing decision to also rely on us for your ROI functions. Why? Because the same data-based storage/retrieval/re-filing systems we use to maintain your files can be applied to your correspondence section with equal efficiency. And, for additional convenience, we'll provide you with a software package specifically designed to monitor the entire ROI process and generate the most comprehensive statistical reports available.

Another Logical Extension

A recent addition is to provide our clients with copying services for RAC audits.

Professional, Reliable Staff

The correspondence representatives we'll assign to your facility will be fully trained in all aspects of ROI including the impact this function has on community relations, accounts receivable and risk management. IntegBusiness Services personnel, being specialists in healthcare information management, can relieve your staff of such time-intensive activities as patient identification, data entry, chart retrieval, authorization verification and the many other clerical procedures involved in responding to requests from outside parties. Not only can our people free your FTEs for more productive assignments and provide extra support at peak- volume times, we can manage your day to day release of information section accurately, professionally and promptly.


Increasingly, health organizations encounter instances where "need to know" must be tempered by "right to know" and minimum necessary. What files can legally be released to whom and with what possible consequences? An equally important issue is fees. What do your state laws currently allow you to charge for correspondence copying services? Being confident you are in compliance in each area can prove an invaluable benefit of outsourcing your correspondence functions to IntegBusiness Services. We'll keep you informed as to changes in legislation regarding privacy issues and fee limits and call your attention to ROI requests that might have legal consequences.

A Custom Solution

We understand that every facility has different needs at different times. You may choose any or all of the IntegBusiness Services Release of Information package. From temporary solutions for special projects to the total outsourcing of your ROI operation, our services are custom designed to meet your needs. Our attention to detail and hands on management approach allows us to respond to those needs as they change.

If backlogs are a burden, legal issues a headache and experienced personnel in short supply, call us. You'll discover why we are the service that can't be copied!

HIM Consulting...to assess, recommend and assist with health information management Consultation...to assess, recommend and assist with health information management.

HIM Technical Services Backlog relief and temporary analyzing, coding, abstracting, transcription. JCAHO Assistance with preparation for accreditation and other surveys.

Document Conversion Services

Before you embark on your conversion, we recommend that you ask yourself the following questions about your current record management situation - while keeping in mind your ultimate goals!
1. Do you currently have a file management policy in place?
• Who is (will be) in-charge of this process? • What departments are involved in this process? • Do you currently have multiple departments accessing the same records? • What is the current (desired) Indexing system for retrieving documents?
2. How often do you retrieve documents from a file?
3. Are you looking for a standalone or networked solution?
4. How long is a file "Active" before it is purged or "Inactive?"
• How often do you update an "Active" file? • How often do you update an "Inactive" file?
5. What type of documents would you like archived? (Manuscripts, Maps, Letters, Legal, etc.)
6. Do you need any time for document preparation?

7.. What is your current retrieval resource? (Microfilm/fiche reader/printer, CD-ROM, standalone scanner/printer, none)

Records Management

No worries. Just peace of mind. When information technology and business compliance collide, companies often find themselves in a quandary: filing (stuffing) documents in empty paper boxes with documents and file folders with no way to know where to begin looking for vital information once the documents have been "filed" This results in costly, frustrating, time consuming searches for vital information

Who are you going to call? The staff at IntegBusiness Services can help! We are in the business of removing the frustration that comes with having to search for files in boxes stacked one on top of the other, usually left in the hallway or in front of filing cabinets or worse, on top of your desk.

Partnering with IntegBusiness Services will enable your staff to continue to work within their core competencies in your department; doing what they were hired to do and still assure them access to the information they require as the need arises when they need it. Need a file? Go online and look it up by MRN, Last Name, DOB, Acct No., or just email or fax the request to us. It's that easy...

Record Storage Services

In today's business environment, access to critical information is a competitive advantage. By outsourcing your records management and storage to IntegBusiness Services, you can realize significant benefits in the areas of utilization of resources, information control, risk management and compliance, and cost effectiveness.

Reduce Costs and Manage Growth. By simply knowing what records you have and how long you need to keep them, you can substantially reduce your records management costs and manage your records growth. IntegBusiness Services can help you develop a retention program that allows you to monitor the growth of your records and save your organization money. Improve Access to Records. With improved access to records, you can respond more quickly to business challenges, provide better customer service and make more informed decisions. Access improves when systems and procedures are in place for filing systems, controlling the movement of records and maintaining accessible storage environments.

Reduce Risk and Ensure Compliance. IntegBusiness Services utilizes proven methodology when developing comprehensive records management and retention programs. We understand liability issues, legal matters and regulatory concerns. IntegBusiness Services designs policies, procedures and training initiatives that deliver effective legally compliant programs.


We assess, recommend and assist with the retention, storage and destruction of your business and or health information.

Offsite Records Storage

We assess, recommend and assist with the off-site storage of your business and or health information. HIM professionals face constant concerns about space, costs, records accessibility and regulatory compliance. They're the essentials, the issues that must be overcome to achieve success. And today, budgetary constraints necessitate being called upon to deliver "more with less". IntegBusiness Services can provide you with affordable, expandable off-site storage for active or archival files. This will free your present on-site storage areas to become revenue- generating space and reduce records personnel requirements. IntegBusiness Services technicians are specifically trained in healthcare-related records management. They appreciate fully the necessity for security and confidentiality of your files, and exercise extraordinary diligence in the tracking, retrieval and re- filing of those documents. In addition, our service center personnel recognize that a healthcare facility's different departments may require different storage solutions. Not only can we bring you delivery efficiency and the technology to monitor file status on-line, we also formulate customized services as needed.